MEN-Knights of Columbus
WOMEN-Women’s Club
3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall
YOUTH-Youth Engaging Scripture (Y.E.S.)
Sunday after Mass in the YES Club House Parish Center
3rd Wednesday at 6:30 in the choir loft
Every Tuesday following Mass in the Parish Hall
St. Vincent DePaul
First Monday- Immaculate Conception, Palmer Road at 6:30 pm
Eucharistic Minister
Grow in Your Faith
Rite of Initiation of Adults
Wednesday, 7:00pm, October-Easter
For those who desire to become Catholic or learn more about the Catholic Faith
Call 618-286-4373
Parish School of Religion
Sunday, 9:00 am, September-May
Pre-K thru 8th Grade at Immaculate Conception Church
Kathy Koebbe, Coordinator
Catholic Schools
Any child of a parishioner may attend St. James in Millstadt or ICS in
Columbia at a reduced rate.
A parishioner is a person considered to be in good standing with
Sacred Heart Church, Dupo, Illinois. A census form must be on file
and they must be a regular Contributor, both
spiritually and financially to the well being of Sacred Heart Parish.
For more information: Please contact Father Osang at 618-286-4373
Any child of a parishioner may attend
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sundays before Mass and anytime by appointment
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Please contact Father Osang at least 4 months in advance at 618-286-4373
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call 618-286-4373 to schedule baptisms, generally held on Sundays after Mass